Sunday, November 1, 2009

Disposables & Holiday Frocks

As much love as I have for digital photography, there will always be something incredibly fun about using disposable cameras and Polaroid film. Something about these sorts of pictures feels much more permanent than the photos that you can take twenty versions of, edit into oblivion, and drag into your recycle bin. Sylvia took these pictures with a disposable camera after a literary magazine meeting last week. Sadly a few of them came out pretty distorted, but I really like these two.

Vintage beaded silk blouse, Target shorts, random belt, Hue tights, ancient Ann Taylor oxfords (not pictured)

These pictures do not do complete justice to this blouse, so I might have to drag it out again sometime. It drapes beautifully and has the most incredible beading on it. I have deemed it my holiday shirt - it feels very festive to me!

Speaking of festive, with the wintery months approaching quickly comes my desire for sleek, sparkly holiday clothes. I might be getting a little ahead of myself - November literally just began, after all - but looking at all these dresses on the Forever 21 website has made me so excited for twinkly strings of Christmas lights and snow on the ground!

I love, love, love the leopard print one in particular, but any of these would satisfy my craving for a posh little dress in a sleek shade of black or grey. And, of course, what better to pair with an elegant holiday frock than these...

I love that Forever 21 is doing Doc Martens knockoffs. Now that I own my first pair of Docs, I have not stopped thinking about expanding my collection! The Clothes Horse recently debuted this pair, and I am completely in love with them. They are the perfect counterpoint to delicate dresses, don't you think?

I think that if the only gifts I ever received in the future were gift cards to Forever 21, I would be the happiest girl alive. (Remember that, people!)


WendyB said...

Something seems weird and unnecessary about knocking of Docs...

Great pix. I do love "regular" cameras.

I think we used to take better pix when we had to think about it more and use our film wisely. (Suz) said...

perfect dresses!

tdw said...

News on Daily-Women, the blog of two french Olivia & Mariam, come on :)
Have a good day!

Ashley said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog, so sweet of you! The red beaded top looks lovely, can imagine the details would be even more amzing up close!

Ania said...

brick walls make any picture better ;)

I've been dreaming of sparkling holiday clothes for a while now - sitting in my uni's library, watching the rain and leaves falling. I imagine how great it will be to be home, curled up in front of a fireplace, smelling gingerbread, crisp winter air and Christmas tree...

ok, back to studying! ;)


Camilla said...

I love Doc's, Love that top too, the red one xxxc Camilla

Vanessa said...

i have been considering buy those doc marten knock offs from forever21 but i've been kind of scared to buy them, because i'm scared it will be unflattering on my feet! ah i don't knowww

Zany Style said...

wow i love the blue and red together. It's so simple but so complicated at the same time. nice job!


faye said...

lovee it, the i would get them knock of docs tbh!
hope you visit my blog soonishh :)
keep posting, i love reading!

Anonymous said...

i adore the dresses!
thanks for sharing darling!
gorgeous, love your top as well

check out my blog @

Rosie Unknown said...

Love the shirt!

And you must have read my mind when it comes to the dresses and shoes, my faves are the sequined one and the pleather one.

Christen said...

Love the "real" pictures! And I am so into lace-up motorcycle boots right now. I am dying for a pair of knee-high ones from Nine West. If only I had an extra $200 laying around!

Anonymous said...

amazing how the red top just pops out of the picture.

Maria Confer said...

Such gorgeous photos. I haven't used film in years!!

So love the F21 boots!! I was tempted to buy them two days ago, but bought two cute dresses instead. I might have to go back.

Sophia said...

i just purchased a pair of doc martens online, but if i had known about the f21 ones before, i would've sampled these first! a bunch of those festive dresses you posted above would look perfect with a pair of tights and those boots.

big x.

Raez said...

haha, tom from risky business? cleevr!

and yes to disposables, i lvoe teh grainness of yours;)

xx raez

guildedsecret. said...

i saw that clothes horse brought out a new pair of doc marten inspired f21 boots - they are so versatile. i may have to grab a pair...


Sylvie said...

Nice collection of dresses there! Love the top left. Also love your outfit!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Your blouse is so pretty. F21 does always have great festive pieces.

bee said...

Wow, you can't beat film for incredible colour. You've inspired me to get my old film camera out. The red just jumps off the screen!

Sara Luxe said...

Just found your blog , will def be back.
Please have a look at mine I think you’ll like it

Zhcsyra hp said...

le hat awesome red top <33333

Taylor Sterling said...

great photos! I like the blouse!!

Heini said...

Like the dresses!


Alyssa Roman said...

That plant is an alien... be careful.

Anonymous said...

The 2nd photo is so awesome. I looooove old photography! You should get into Lomo - you get the old effect sometimmes :) xxx

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said... are like the plethora of awesome-sweater-ness. i LOVE it!! Keep on keepin' on!



Lemon said...

oh holiday clothes!! snow, sparkles, cold and shiny. can't wait for all the above!

jess said...

I love film cameras, haven't used one in forever though. I like all the holiday dresses.

Valencia Lia said...

Gorgeous blouse even though I can't really see the the details.

But do wear it out soon again and show us its beauty :)

And those dresses from F21 are so gorgeous !

And I have a pair of classic DMs,but the forever21 ones look beautiful too <3

Anna G said...

I might buy those forever 21 boots, if I can find them. :)

I love disposables. What kind did you use? I see them really cheap black and white ones being sold, near my house and I need buy some.

bryna said...

love your choices!

Julia said...

I like this post!

faye said...

btw Ive tagged you!

issye margaretha kamal said...

your blog is so amazing . i really hearrt your blog . love it :))